According to Wikipedia, “the plant genus Tillandsia, a member of the Bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae), is found in the deserts, forests and mountains of Central and South America, and
The thinner-leafed varieties grow in rainy areas and the thick-leafed varieties in areas more subject to drought. Moisture and nutrients are gathered from the air (dust, decaying leaves and insect matter) through structures on the leaves called trichomes.
Tillandsia are epiphytes and need no soil because water and nutrients are absorbed through the leaves. The roots are used as anchors only. Reproduction is by seeds or by offsets called "pups". A single plant could have up to a dozen pups.
Although not normally cultivated for their flowers, some Tillandsia will bloom on a regular basis. In addition, it is quite common for some species to take on a different leaf colour (usually changing from green to red) when about to flower.”
Basically, Tillandsia is a hardy plant that doesn’t require soil to grow and requires much less attention than other house plants. These hardy plants are adaptable and tolerant to a wide range of environmental conditions and require minimal care. The three most important requirements are water, bright light, although not direct sun and good air circulation.
Link to Tillandsia Care